If a leader makes this statement in a recovery group he almost always gets two responses: First, shock! As if to respond, You know that about me? Second, group members silently nod in agreement. They are affirming a need for greater love.
If you were not loved well as a child, you are always on the hunt for more love. And, If you can’t find love you will use a cheap substitute for love. How many people do you know who use some vice to try to comfort themselves?
We were made TO love, BY love, and FOR love (2 x 4 love). Our whole being is designed to run on love. Some fruit of love is peace, rest, and joy. Running a love driven system is essential to well being.
There are three sources of love. Each hits you on a different level:
We need the love of our Maker. Abba is the high level, love-driven, visionary. Jesus offers a spring-of-living-water love. The Holy Spirit offers guiding and comforting love.
Before we get into Self-Love, let’s compare it with self-hate.
Self Hate: You walk in false identity. Call yourself terrible names. Blame and shame yourself. Use vices to cope with stresses, fears, and ugly past memories. You even run away from your own story.
Self Love: God is love. You are made in his image. Jesus paid for your failings. Daily shower in living-water-love. Drink it in. There is no condemnation of you. None. You are love. Walk in it. Release everything else. You are part of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit love-driven family.
Your brain and spirit must run one of these two programs. Which are you running?
You participate and enjoy deepening relationship-love with others. The Heavenly Father will send people to bless and love you. Receive love today.
You were made to be overflowing with God’s love. So much, that living-water-love flows out of you.
Heavenly Father, that is the desire of my heart. May I be filled to the max with living-water-love. And, may I use that love to bless others. Amen.
Mediate on these verses:
God so loved you
John 3:16, Acts 2:38, John 7:38
He sent Jesus
The Holy Spirit
And, living-water love.