Have you noticed how some individuals are not good at nurturing? They are nice people but they offer little support. They may be around but you never feel close to them. You sense something is off, but you can’t put your finger on it. They say a lot of words but they bring no comfort. You may be dealing with a non-nurturer.
This blog entry is strictly for discussion purposes.
Things a Non-Nurturer Will Do
- Their job is to help you understand a problem from the other persons point of view.
- They will point out things you have missed or can’t see.
- Showing you the truth is their job.
- They will help you see the harsh reality of any situation.
- After that they say things like, “just decide! Stop talking about it. Don’t be mambie bambie!”
Things a Non-Nurturer Will NOT Do
- They do not nurture.
- They will not coddle.
- They don’t put up with moaning and groaning.
- They won’t lie to you by just being soft.
- They will not say anything that sounds like “poor you.” or, “that doesn’t sound fair.”
- Doing the right thing is normal. You should not need praise. So, they don’t give compliments.
A Non-Nurturer Has Two Choices:
- They tell you the harsh truth about people, relationships, and life.
- Or they have nothing to say and leave.
Father, thank you for the kindness you provide me. You made a plan for me to be with you. Then you sent gentle Jesus to be my teacher and friend. And, the Holy Spirit to guide and comfort me. My spirit feels nurtured by you. I love making my home with you. Amen.
Bible Meditation
Read the following Bible passages and how they might apply to you. Then, mediate throughout the day on these thoughts:
For God so loved me. – John 3:16
He sent Jesus to teach me. – John 13:13
And, the Holy Spirit to comfort me. – John 14:26