One man announced, “I DO NOT SUFFER WELL!” “I hate, being upset, feeling letdown and the people who disappointment me.”
How well do you suffer? What type of suffer-er are you? Here are some things to think about.
Whiney Baby Guy
This individual sees what’s wrong, points out the wrong, and, regularly talks about what’s wrong. Their job is to make sure no one misses all the disappointments, heartaches, and dismay in life.
Crawl Into a Cave Guy
This man wants to be left alone. He licks his own wounds and asks, “Why do people treat me like this?” He retreats from life and wants to be left alone.
Moody Man
He wants fairness and when he doesn’t find it, he gets down and grumpy. He pouts around repeating. “This is not right. People should not act that way. They should just should just do the right thing.”
(Note- An extensible of this type is Angry Man)
Stuffer Guy
He repeats bumper stickers. Life’s not fair. When life gives you lemons make lemonade. Life is a bowl of cherries… Watch out for the pits. Smile and the whole world smiles with you. His outlet for relief is drinking, drugs, or porn.
Healthy Man
He knows life and people will let him down. He acknowledges disappointment and letdown. He admits to being hurt. He grieves. And, he moves past grief.
The goal when you are disappointed is to grieve but not to lose your peace, rest, or joy. No matter what is thrown at you. Always stand on the truths of Jesus including his promises of peace, rest, and joy.
Bible Connection
“I have told you these things, so that you can have peace because of me. In this world you will have trouble. But be encouraged! I have won the battle over the world.”
John 16:33 (NIRV)
Father, help me grieve well. And, help me suffer well. In all things may you be glorified. Amen