The first part of your emotional program comes in preprogrammed. If you’ve had at least two children you understand. From a very young age one child is quiet and shy. The other is the opposite–loud and non-stop motion.
The second part of your emotional program is family influenced and shaped. A speaker once made this statement. “You become what your parents need.” Think about that idea. If you came from a high conflict family you probably tried to reduce the conflict. If there were frequent parental fights you might do everything you could to reduce the conflict.
Think about the comments below. Listen to how this individual shaped himself to live around conflict.
- Mostly, I stay to myself, I am a responsible person and do what I’m told. I don’t complain. (Even in a restaurant I never return cold food. I just eat it.)
- Being alone is just fine. I’m good at entertaining myself.
- I tend to get lost in emotional conversations. I find myself zoning out.
- Projects and tasks energize me. I don’t enjoy people. Most people are full of upset and complaints.
What this means to me
Much of this individual’s current view, interactions, and behaviors were shaped in youth and continue into adulthood. What behaviors did you pick up when you were a child?
Father, thank you for helping me see me. I’ve learned coping and surviving skills. But I want to thrive with you. You’re my creator. You know me better than I know myself. You made me for your glory. Help me see the parts of me that keep me stuck in survival. Amen.
Bible Connection
But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself. – Philippians. 3:20-21 ESV
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