God wants to work on your weak areas. He wants to transform you in those areas for his glory.
My Circle
There’s a pattern in every early marriage.
Training Exercise #1 For Husbands
Your wife will periodically need to vent.
Recovering from your Past
Today’s three words are: Grieve, Release, and Rest.
We Eagerly Await
The first part of your emotional program comes in preprogrammed. If you’ve had at least two children you understand. From a very young age one child is quiet and shy. The other is the opposite–loud and non-stop motion. The second part of your emotional program is family influenced and shaped. A speaker once made this…
Innocence, Beauty, and Awe
Look for the beauty in God’s creation and pause when you experience a moment of awe, because you are standing in the presence of God.
Four Insights
There are four big emotional questions everyone quietly asks.
Overcoming, For my Marriage
Not everyone knows how to develop a great marriage. It takes lots of work for two to merge into one. Here are four scenarios that hinder a great relationship.
Deep Questions
What are the deepest, most basic, questions that rise out of your soul?
Marriage Culture
Marriage is a relationship that requires growth and skill building. How many of these skills do you use in your relationship?
“You have been under-sad.” Of all the emotions, sadness is a critical one. Sadness means the emotional system is turned on and working. But what if you decided, when you were young, all emotions were overwhelming; the best solution was to just shut down. You’ve spent your whole life trying to hold a middle position,…
Emotional Family Therapy
When listening to your wife, when she is struggling emotionally, separate two thoughts.