Brain Training Day
Can today be the day you reclaim your heart? Your heart was innocent and light once. It was free and full of hope. Can today be the day your heart is restored?
Loner Learned Lessons
Your childhood isolating skills will help you survive difficult parents. They will not help you develop a rich, deep, emotional, marital connection.
Emotional Intimacy
Intimacy is a spiritual and emotional mission. It is a direct challenge from heaven. Two becoming one is the most difficult and wonderful relationship journey you will ever attempt.
Emotionally Present and Peaceful
When I try to be attuned to my situation and those around me, why do I let someone’s negative statement agitate me?
Emotional Beings by Design
God is the God of order. Meaning there is design to your body. We know God designed emotions into the operation of your body.
Underneath it All
Emotional survival skills we gain over a lifetime cover and protect us, but hide our true selves.
Trapped by my own Beliefs
Stephen shows how false beliefs are formed early and become a snare.
I No Longer Fear My Own Feelings
A friend recently shared this thought. “I no longer fear my own feelings.”
Don’t Try to Change Me-Accept Me
I don’t want to change. Rather, I want to be loved just as I am.
What You Tell Yourself
What if you were ignored as a child? Or, left alone a lot? Neglected? How confusing would it be for a child to try to figure out life?
Conflict on Two Levels
Individuals function on many levels. For this blog we will focus on two levels.
Stop Digging a Hole
You love each other. But arguments tend to escalate. Learn to recognize the need and stop digging a hole deeper.