The Fear Engine
Fear drives all unhealthy behavior. You will have to dig down into your soul, but if you look, you will find fear drives all negative behavior.
Prompting to Grow Emotionally
There will be three significant times you will be asked to work on growth and change.
Giving Thanks
Give thanks. In all things, give thanks. All day long give thanks. As you go through your day today, give thanks.
Hope for Change
What we say to ourselves can help or hinder change.
Emotional Health
Pete Scazzero wrote several books on emotional health. His recent work is challenging leaders to work on emotional health.
Why I Believe
Dr. Henry Cloud wrote a book titled, Why I Believe. In the book, he talks about his depression. He said he knew God was at work in his life. But healing was not immediate.
A Place of Identity and Belonging
Your marriage gives you a place to belong. And belonging is a very good thing.
I saw my mother and father live disconnected together their whole lives. They were married for 56 years. Mother was a dreamer and dad was a survivor. Dad loved mom but he could not show it.
Brain Training Day
Can today be the day you reclaim your heart? Your heart was innocent and light once. It was free and full of hope. Can today be the day your heart is restored?
Loner Learned Lessons
Your childhood isolating skills will help you survive difficult parents. They will not help you develop a rich, deep, emotional, marital connection.
Emotional Intimacy
Intimacy is a spiritual and emotional mission. It is a direct challenge from heaven. Two becoming one is the most difficult and wonderful relationship journey you will ever attempt.