Tag: Rest
Recovering from your Past
Today’s three words are: Grieve, Release, and Rest.
A Lesson on Rest
Do you know how to rest? Merriam-Webster defines rest as freedom from activity or labor, and engaging in peace of mind and spirit. We are discussing rest in contrast to being busy and doing things. More importantly, rest is not distraction, entertainment, or escaping.
What is Your Message?
How has God touched you? What idea or concept have you experienced deep in your soul? What is your unique message?
Emotional Training for Men
The Emotional Training for Men webinar series is to help men who want to grow in their ability to understand and express emotions in healthy ways. Every man can benefit from emotional growth. This is a series of seven recorded webinars: Access the ETM Webinar videos and study information on Vimeo:
The ‘What if’ Question
Who would you be if you had never been blamed, shamed or criticized?