Tag: Relationship
Depth Comes from Relationship
As I looked at this man’s life, I realized he had no deep male friendships. No one really knew him.
Let’s Put Each Other First
Can we please prioritize the first five minutes after we get home?
Fostering Intimacy
Why is intimacy so difficult to achieve? (Intimacy is getting to know someone on a deep emotional level.) What needs to happen for intimacy to occur?
Being Loved Well
Here are a few comments rolled into one story. These are all related to being loved well.
Problem Discussion
What problems hinder relationship oneness? Review the following problems and see if you can relate. Discuss with your spouse any that apply.
Do You Want a Relationship with Me?
I get that we’re married. I get that we made a commitment. I get that we’re both good people. And, I understand staying married. But, do you want a relationship with me?
We are a Mess
We recognize we aren’t perfect. Let’s just love each other anyway.
Navigating Grief, Fear, and Transformation
We explore how childhood experiences shape adult behavior and emphasize the importance of recognizing and addressing emotional immaturity. Our conversation highlights the role of grief in self-discovery and the impact of critical parenting on self-criticism. Stephen and Jonathan stress the need for honesty, vulnerability, and self-reflection in achieving emotional growth and maturity.
What Kind of Marriage do YOU Want?
Marriage is a wonderful and difficult relationship. To have a great marriage, you must keep learning yourself and your wife. And, you must address weak areas with change and growth. Today’s blog is about vision. What kind of marriage do you want?
From Recovery to Growth Mission
Recovery from addiction is more than just getting back on your feet. Recovery is this beautiful bridge to an exciting phase of self-discovery and growth.
Selfishness Addiction
Is selfishness addiction holding you back from true freedom and joy? Yes, you read that right. Stephen and Jonathan dive deep into how an addiction to selfishness can shape our behaviors and strain our relationships. We’re peeling back the layers of why we sometimes confuse self-preservation with self-centeredness.