Tag: Pure Sex Radio

  • Discover the Power of ‘Co’ in Relationships and Recovery

    Discover the Power of ‘Co’ in Relationships and Recovery

    In this episode, Jonathan and Stephen talk about the power of “co,” meaning “together” or “jointly,” in relationships and recovery. They dive into how collaboration and connection are essential for personal growth and healing, especially in marriage and overcoming addiction.

  • Unlocking Greatness

    Unlocking Greatness

    In this episode, Jonathan and Stephen dive into the theme of emotional growth and the importance of relationships among men.

  • Unlocking Greatness

    Unlocking Greatness

    In this episode, Jonathan and Stephen dive into the theme of emotional growth and the importance of relationships among men.

  • Men’s Emotional Self Awareness Test

    Men’s Emotional Self Awareness Test

    In this episode, Jonathan and Stephen dive into the journey of emotional self-awareness, especially for men – and offer a simple test to measure self-awareness.

  • Navigating Grief, Fear, and Transformation

    Navigating Grief, Fear, and Transformation

    We explore how childhood experiences shape adult behavior and emphasize the importance of recognizing and addressing emotional immaturity. Our conversation highlights the role of grief in self-discovery and the impact of critical parenting on self-criticism. Stephen and Jonathan stress the need for honesty, vulnerability, and self-reflection in achieving emotional growth and maturity.

  • From Recovery to Growth Mission

    From Recovery to Growth Mission

    Recovery from addiction is more than just getting back on your feet. Recovery is this beautiful bridge to an exciting phase of self-discovery and growth.

  • Selfishness Addiction

    Selfishness Addiction

    Is selfishness addiction holding you back from true freedom and joy? Yes, you read that right. Stephen and Jonathan dive deep into how an addiction to selfishness can shape our behaviors and strain our relationships. We’re peeling back the layers of why we sometimes confuse self-preservation with self-centeredness.

  • Why Do We Fall?

    Why Do We Fall?

    Why do we fall? This is a deep question and we can’t ever fully answer the “why” questions. But it’s worth the conversation. In this episode, Stephen and Jonathan dive deep into the emotional and spiritual tangles that we all face.

  • How Can I Lead Others When I Can’t Lead Myself

    How Can I Lead Others When I Can’t Lead Myself

    Many men struggle deeply with their godly responsibilities of leadership, especially in the home, because they aren’t even managing themselves very well.

  • Living More than a Love Story

    Living More than a Love Story

    Stephen and Jonathan dig into the important topic of trust through the lens of one man’s story that begins with him not being able to trust his parents with his thoughts and feelings and ends with him finally living a “love plus trust” story.

  • Understanding Human Agency

    Understanding Human Agency

    Stephen and Jonathan unpack the four functions of agency and how they might help us develop better self-awareness and deeper faith and relationships.

  • Helping Men Navigate between Logic and Emotion

    Helping Men Navigate between Logic and Emotion

    Generally, the majority of men are very comfortable when communicating logic and solving problems, but very uncomfortable and unfamiliar with communicating emotion. This often results in them becoming stunted or stuck in their relational skills, especially in marriage.