Tag: Day 35

  • Emotionally Disconnected

    Emotionally Disconnected

    Stephen shows men what it must be like to be married to a man who is disconnected from his emotions.

  • The Deep Longing Question

    The Deep Longing Question

    The question is very old. It’s seeking an answer. And it’s not the kind of question you ask one time and then forget about it

  • Restless Discontentment

    Restless Discontentment

    I have been watching men struggle with restless discontentment my whole life. It shows up in young, middle age, and older men.

  • I Want You to Know Me

    I Want You to Know Me

    I’ve often heard this relationship statement. “I want you to know me.” My assumption was everyone knew what that meant. Then, I remembered two stories: A 16-year-old daughter was sitting at the dinner table and said to her dad, “You’re so private. You’re a mystery. I don’t feel like I know you. I want to…