Tag: Day 15

  • What We Learn in the Light

    What We Learn in the Light

    If we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.

  • Attachment Injury

    Attachment Injury

    Christians are made for bonding, connecting, and oneness. We are also called to community and fellowship. A major part of the faith is attaching, bonding, and belonging.

  • Describing the Problem

    Describing the Problem

    To solve a problem you must define it correctly. If you define it correctly you’ve half solved it. This post is not about a solution. It is about accurately describing the problem.

  • Staying Present

    Staying Present

    Most men struggle with the concept of Staying Present. When a conversation gets difficult men flood with fear. Let’s review why. HIS THOUGHTS HIS DEEPEST FEAR If you know me you will be disappointed. You won’t like me. And, in the end you will leave me like everyone else. HIS OLD SOLUTIONS I’ve found escaping,…