
One response to “Spiritual and Emotional Program”

  1. Reese Crane Avatar

    I think the church as it exists can’t meet the emotional needs of its members because they are focused on this program and that program just to make sure people don’t have time to mess up. The church and the government seem no different to me. They both take taxes (tithes) and offer one size fits all programs that most people don’t feel will help them. Some do. But I believe that the people, in their gifts, serving and listening and praying etc can do more than the corporate environment that is focused on just saving people. It’s backwards. We applaud Jesus for hanging out with sinners but chide those today who do the same. And even try and fix them and pull them away from such dirtiness. Until we can all get down and dirty in the foxholes with each other and love in spite of what we encounter we will not fully embrace the Father’s heart of love. Then and only then will we truly be the establishment that empathizes with the broken and journeys with them regardless of what reputation gets attached to us.