Every morning you wake up. Work. Serve. Share. Pray. Learn. Bless. And, Rest.
Then, you go to bed. And, repeat the pattern the next day. Those are regular daily activities.
But, what is the SOUL PROGRAM that drives all that activity? Your SOUL PROGRAM is the storage place of all your life experiences and beliefs. Remember, your experiences, beliefs, fears and dreams drive your soul.
The challenge is shifting from a trauma driven program to a spirit driven program.
Jesus spoke about many topics. But his emotional training can be narrowed down to three main concepts. These concepts are so strong they could be the new pillars of your SOUL PROGRAM.
Jesus said, “PEACE I leave with you, My PEACE I give you.”
He also said. “Come to me and I will give you REST. Yoke up with me and you shall find REST.”
Finally, he said, “These things have I spoken unto you, that my JOY might remain in you, and that your JOY might be full.”
So, let’s put these three principles together. They could become the new drivers of your soul, “PEACE, REST, and JOY.” Let’s release old, lesser drivers and instead hope, pray and practice these three.
So, tomorrow after you wake up. Work. Serve. Share. Pray. Learn. Bless. And, Rest. Give thanks for the fuel source that renews and refreshes your soul. It is PEACE, REST, and JOY. Amen
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