Why are we so divided as a country? Some of this discussion and ideas were inspired by recent episodes of The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast.
Why are we such a divided country? Part of the answer comes from the idea that we now have two different views of identity. Our identity has historically been founded in family, faith, and community. As the country moves away from God and becomes more secular, things are changing.
Individuals are looking for a new place to attach their identity. They are turning to ideas, missions, and causes. For many, God and faith are no longer part of their identity. Some have attached their identity to a mission like climate change. Some have attached their identity to a cause like save the whales. And others have attached their identity to political ideas.
The Result
If you say anything against the idea of, for example, saving the planet, you are personally attacking the individual. Additionally, any mere challenge can be seen as threatening and aggressive. Some individuals are so fearful of you challenging their ideas (or identity) they must go to safe rooms.
But Christ
As Christians, it’s important to remember our identity is in Christ. Our identity is based on His love, grace, and sacrifice. We love because he loved and chose us.
Father, please bless our country and heal our divide. We need you. You are our only hope. Thank you Jesus for being our example of love. Amen.
For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine.Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. – 2 Timothy 4:3 (NIV)