Most of the following thoughts come from a book titled, Our Bodies Tell God’s Story by Christopher West.
Here are some of the thoughts he shared.
God is a profound mystery. Marriage is a profound mystery. Being one is a produced mystery. You will either press into the mystery and discover the true beauty and the splendor of God, or you will follow the crazy desires inside yourself. God loves marriage. The marital theme is used throughout the bible. God has wed us to himself through Jesus. You were made for freedom. You were not made to be dominated by vices. Jesus did not come to repress your desires; he came to redeem your desires. Jesus wants to be with you. He asks that you unite with Him and He will journey with you forever.
The highest call on your life is to love as Jesus loves.
God is about self-giving love. He has prepared a banquet of love. It is designed to fill the hungry cry of your heart. That is the cry to be loved.
Father, I have tried following vices. They do not work. So, now I chose you and your ways. Help me! Old ways call me back. Vices try to return. Lust whispers. Help me grow in self-giving love. Help me love like Jesus loves. And, I accept your invitation to a banquet of soul filling love. Amen.
Meditate on this thought
Jesus said,
My commandment is this: love one another, just as I love you.
John 15:12 (GNT)