Do you know the difference between talking and dialogue?
Talking is sharing information. It’s a quick back and forth format. It is providing needed information for your spouse. It sounds like this:
- What time are we leaving?
- Are you going to the store?
- Junior needs a ride to practice.
- I’m going out to my class. Can you watch the kids?
- I’m headed to the post office. Do you need anything?
- Today is trash day. Don’t forget.
Dialogue is a deepening conversation. It’s a back-and-forth rhythm of discovery. One spouse invites the other to participate. When it’s done well, there’s a meeting of minds and a soul connection. It sounds more like this:
Spouse #1: I don’t think we are preparing for retirement.
Spouse #2: Go on.Spouse #1: We are not saving enough money every month.
Spouse #2: I’m listening.Spouse #1: Thank you. I’m scared we won’t be ready. My parents spent freely and were not prepared.
Spouse #2: I agree. We have not been budgeting well.Spouse #1: Can we work on a plan?
Spouse #2: Yes, let’s work on one this weekend.
Talking is sharing information. Dialogue is a rhythmic dance of discussing and exploring. Dialogue involves learning, drilling down on a topic, and working like a team. No action is taken until a thorough discussion happens first.
Father, thank you. I am delighted to be in one long dialogue with you. It’s one of learning and growth. Please grow me so I can hear you better. And thank you for the Bible and the teachings of Jesus. Amen.
Jesus had a dialogue with a Samaritan woman at a well.
Read about it in John 4:4-26