Please be careful when using these two statements. They are conversations stoppers.
“I know!” And, “I don’t know!”
Imagine a conversation taking place. One individual is excited about sharing some new information. Enthusiastically, he launches into his topic. His friend listens for about a minute. At the first pause in the conversation the friend announces, “I know!” Immediately all the excitement is sucked out of the conversation. That one comment killed what could have been a learning, growing, and connecting moment.
Think about the second statement. “I don’t know!” When is it most often expressed? I would guess in the adolescent years. It’s usually used to avoid a confrontation.
- Who did this?… I don’t know.
- Who made that mess?
- Who is responsible for this terrible thing happening?
“I don’t know!” Will probably always carry a some childhood stigma. Because of its history it should be used sparingly in adulthood.
When asked a question. It’s better to respond with these comments.
- “That’s a great question.”
- “Let me give it some thought.”
- “I have just a few comments on that topic.”
In dialogue try not to say, “I know!” Or, “I don’t know.” These two statements cause confusion and stop the conversation.
Bible Insight
My dear brothers and sisters, always be willing to listen and slow to speak. Do not become angry easily,
James 1:19 (NCV)
Father, help me be quick to listen. Please give me wisdom and discernment. Help me engage better with those around me. Amen