Currently, you have a well established Negative-Head-Place. That Negative-Head-Place holds all your painful, failure memories. Which include mistakes, shame, regret, disappointments, hurt, and losses.
What About creating a Positive-Head-Place? It’s a place where you keep a stockpile of positive memories? Capture, even the smallest moments of love and joy.
Let your mind drift back and remember
- A positive moment with dad.
- A fun memory with mom.
- A friend in grade school, middle school, or high school, etc.
- Moments where you felt so loved.
- That time when someone came to your aid.
- Make it a collection of moments where you felt loved, connected, and nurtured.
- Now, add spiritual moments of love.
- Encounters with God. Answered prayers.
- Moments of worship where His love washed over you.
Your Positive-Head-Place should include God, good, love, and belonging.
- Pray as you develop your Positive-Head-Place.
- Ask God to help you remember, past, positive, loved moments.
- Make this a new, growing, place where you go for renewal, refreshment, and rest.
- The next time you feel bad and start heading to the Negative-Head-Place, stop yourself. Turn and run to your new, Positive-Head-Place.
Jesus said, come to me and I will give you living water, renewal, and rest.