Can today be the day you reclaim your heart? Your heart was innocent and light once. It was free and full of hope. Can today be the day your heart is restored?
People perish for lack of vision. What if you have a ridiculously clear vision? You wanted a renewed heart. And there was no stopping you.
You have carried a heavy, sad damaged heart long enough. God promises you a renewed heart. Today you are becoming unstoppable in pursuit of that promise. Because an innocent heart equals freedom.
Inner Dialogue
Father, I want my new heart, and I want my innocence restored. I want the peace that surpasses understanding. And I want to get lost in innocence and freedom found in you. Amen.
With no vision the people perish. I will have a vision. I will proclaim my vision. I will instruct my mind to run a new vision. My Spirit and the Holy Spirit will oversee the operation.
So, I make these proclamations:
Brain you are on notice- for the next 24 hours
-Fear BE GONE!
-Negative self talk must STOP!
-Troubling thoughts that consume me LEAVE.
-NO MORE belittling myself.
Only peaceful innocence may abide for the next 24 hours.
Your childhood wounds never leave you. They can’t; they’re part of your story. But they can quiet down and become manageable.
Today is brain training day. Innocence restored is my goal. Running an incredibly restful system is my dream. Innocence protected is today’s path forward.
I want you to be wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil.
Rom. 16:19
Live clean innocent lives as children of God.
Phil 2:15b