Author: Stephen Cervantes
Our Identity and Division
As Christians, it’s important to remember our identity is in Christ. Our identity is based on His love, grace, and sacrifice. We love because he loved and chose us.
Fighting the Downward Cycle
A small failure occurs and then the cycle gets triggered. When I fight on my own, the cycle often causes me to spiral out of control. BUT Today Things Change!
What Men Want to Hear
You frequently ask these questions. Why don’t you want to talk more? Why don’t you open up more? Why don’t we discuss things?
I Give You Permission
“I give you permission to not like me.” This line was recently given to me in a quiet moment. As a recovering pleaser, my job was to get others to like me.
Four More Quotes
Here are four quotes. At least one of them should inspire a good discussion with your spouse.
Emotional Focus
Here are six quotes from a recent Emotionally Focused Therapy, Marriage workshop.
Tools For Peace and Rest
Everyone needs a toolbox full of restful skills. We all need periodic help with self-regulation. Life is hard. It’s overwhelming at times. We get stressed and stretched to our limits.
Brain Surgery on Yourself
Dr. Lee Warren, a brain surgeon, author, speaker, and podcaster, recently spoke at Oak Hills Church in San Antonio. He helps individuals run their brains better. He taught a two-hour lesson on operating your brain.
Help for the Shallow
The common belief is that most people want to grow and mature. They want their relationships to do the same, but what if someone is content living a shallow life?
Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
How You Treat Yourself
Are you kind to yourself? Or do you call yourself names? Do you work through emotions? Or try to just ignore them.