Author: Stephen Cervantes

  • Emotional-Spiritual Assignment

    Emotional-Spiritual Assignment

    You have two big assignments in life.

  • Divided by Trauma

    Divided by Trauma

    Gabor Mate is a physician and trauma expert. He asked this question: “Why do we get disconnected?” His answer: “Because it is too painful to be ourselves.”

  • Descending into the Pit

    Descending into the Pit

    Letting someone down is the worst feeling. It’s failure. It reminds me of being a disappointment. I hate failing and letting others down. That’s when I send myself to the pit.

  • Leading in the Church

    Leading in the Church

    Karl Vaters is the author of De-sizing the Church. He outlines four challenges for every church leader. And remember you are a leader.

  • Loners and Connectors

    Loners and Connectors

    You only have two choices in life: You can be a loner or a connector. If you’re single, being a loner works just fine. But if you’re married and a loner, there will be problems.

  • A Lesson on Rest

    A Lesson on Rest

    Do you know how to rest? Merriam-Webster defines rest as freedom from activity or labor, and engaging in peace of mind and spirit. We are discussing rest in contrast to being busy and doing things. More importantly, rest is not distraction, entertainment, or escaping.

  • Merely Talking

    Merely Talking

    Do you know the difference between talking and dialogue?

  • How Important is Faith?

    How Important is Faith?

    Faith in God has always been important to our family. God always had a place in our childhood home. My father was a man of Faith. My mother loved her Bible. Dad was raised Catholic. Mom was raised Protestant.

  • Connection


    Pete Scazzero, pastor, speaker, and author of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship described his early years in ministry.

  • A Plan to Start

    A Plan to Start

    I have been thinking. Reading a new blog a day may be overwhelming. My hope is every reader is working on emotional and spiritual growth. Still a blog a day might be challenging.

  • Unoffendable


    Today I am reminding myself of a mission that I started in the recent past. I want to be unoffendable.

  • Check Engine

    Check Engine

    You have a Dashboard with green and red lights. How green is your Dashboard? And how many concerning red lights are flashing?