Author: Stephen Cervantes
Grace in the Middle of Conflict
The right words, in the middle of conflict, can reveal your heart and foster peace and grace.
How to be Emotionally Deeper
Many wives say they want their husband to be emotionally deeper. But what does that mean?
Do you Want a Rich Full Life?
Seeking wisdom above all else is the road to leading a rich full life.
Fears Tamed
How do you respond when someone verbally attacks you? Do you immediately feel fear and anger rise inside you? We call it “taking things personally” but it’s hard not to take it personally when our deep fears are being invoked.
It’s a Great Day for Love
Poem, It’s a Great Day for Love-Doctor Marriage.
“I Know” and “I Don’t Know”
The statements “I know” and “I don’t know” are often conversation stoppers.
3 Essential Skills of Marriage and Life
Three essential skills in marriage and life are rejoicing, grieving, and growing.
The Three Phases of Emotional Growth
A husband is asked to change by his wife. He is hesitant but he agrees. He’s afraid of losing her. What are the phases he may experience?
Six terms that include the word Self.
Your Emotional/Spiritual Structure
Every Christian operates as a spiritual being and an emotional being. As such, you must stand on two different structures. Each structure has three parts.
I Can’t Change
What does “I can’t change” really mean?
Connecting in Grief
How well do you do at grieving with your wife? When she comes to you with her sadness, it’s an opportunity to connect.