Author: Stephen Cervantes

  • Questions and Answers About the Journey

    Questions and Answers About the Journey

    1. Can you keep growing even if your spouse does not? Yes. Life is one long, spiritual, emotional growth mission. If your spouse gets stuck you must keep growing. 2. What is a negative belief that can torment your soul? Shame. It is the habit of regularly telling yourself, “You are worthless and unwanted.” 3.…

  • 10 Ways to Know You are Changing

    10 Ways to Know You are Changing

    1. You start using new language like, “Im working on myself.” Or, “I’m on an Emotional Growth mission.” 2. You start looking deeper inside yourself. Old painful stories get retold. And, childhood pain gets vented out. 3. You start saying things like, “Old Me – New Me” or “Old Program- New Program.” 4. You start…

  • A Little More Happiness

    A Little More Happiness

    In the book, Build the Life You Want by Brooks and Winfrey, they discuss the topic of happiness. They ask this question: “Can you be just a little happier today?” They continued. “Even if a current obstacle doesn’t get removed? Or, your situation does not improve?” “Your relationships may not get better.Still, can you be…

  • Collecting Tools

    Collecting Tools

    Author note I was asked recently if these blogs included aspects of my life. Here is how I create a blog. I hear an important emotional concept from a person, podcast or book. The concept creates a light bulb moment. (Or, the Holy Spirit points it out and shakes me.) Either way my response is…

  • Self Condemnation Resolved

    Self Condemnation Resolved

    One life goal is to run a child-like soul. A soul that is loaded with peace, rest, and joy. Unfortunately, most of us carry heavy, old condemnation. Here is a biblical insight to challenge lingering condemnation.

  • Noticing a Change

    Noticing a Change

    God recently showed me an old, confusing inner, battle. Allow me to try to explain it. I was in a conversation that started getting very personal. Suddenly, I had this urge to pull back. As the conversation got deeper my stress level increased. Instead of exploring my stress. An inner, scared part of me whispered.…

  • Won’t You Grow With Me?

    Won’t You Grow With Me?

    Dear Spouse,I’d like to share four thoughts with you. Thought #1 If you are inwardly peaceful, then I will enjoy a peaceful home.If, on the other hand you are angry, I will live in fear of your outbursts. If, you are a worrier, my life will be filled with anxiety. If, you are negative, our…

  • Where Does it Hurt?

    Where Does it Hurt?

    Almost everyone has a pain storage place inside. It’s the place that holds fear, anxiety, and unworthiness. You start your day feeling peaceful. Then, a disappointed, hurting person calls you a loser and a miserable failure. Immediately yourPAIN-STORAGE-PLACE door, flies open. You flood with feelings of anxiousness and failure. Given that most people experience this…

  • The Pattern

    The Pattern

    If there was a pattern to one’s emotional development it would look like this. You start as a curios child with an innocent heart. You laugh, play and explore with great passion. Then, trauma happens and it changes everything.-You learn you will need protection from the pain caused by others. So, you divide yourself. You…

  • Loved Well

    Loved Well

    What if you do a review of your life and this is your conclusion.“I HAVE NEVER BEEN LOVED WELL!” That is a sad statement.And, an honest, deep, struggle-filled statement. SAD- because it carries a longing and an unmet ache. INSIGHTFUL- because now you have verbalized a driving, inner need. ADDITIONALLY- on the inside, you are…

  • Listen to Me

    Listen to Me

    Do you want to help me, learn me? If so, you must “listen.” And, I mean listen a lot and talk a little. Listening is the skill of, you getting out of my way.Talking is the skill of me, figuring something out.When I’m talking to you, I am also learning about myself. Here’s the me-talking,…

  • Dear Spouse,

    Dear Spouse,

    Dear Spouse, Can you please help feed my soul? Life is full of struggles. And, I’m tired. I’ve asked God for help and he’s a great source of comfort. But, can you also, please help feed my soul? These are the things that fill me. Nurture me. Comfort me. Celebrate with me. Be pleased with…