Author: Stephen Cervantes
Men’s Emotional Self-Awareness Test
The other day, someone mentioned a self awareness test. I thought about it and did a little research. My imagination went wild with what I could do with it. What would a self-awareness test look like if I wrote one?
Your Heart
Remember, running a great heart is one of your spiritual assignments.
Welcome to the Class
The day you said, “I do” was your first day of admission to class. You are now enrolled in Heaven’s Training School of Love.
Friday Discussion
DISCUSSION: Generally speaking, women talk about EMOTIONS, WOUNDINGS, and RELATIONSHIPS, while men talk about BEHAVIORS and SOLUTIONS. Read and discuss.
An Emotional Growth Awakening
How does an individual experience an emotional awakening? I am talking about a man who is emotionally stuck and not in growth mode. He’s not happy, floundering, and may even be caught up in an addiction.
Our Identity
Your wounds and your past failings want to define you. They scream of your unworthiness. And, shout out your shortcomings. But your identity in Christ gives you freedom.
Learning Your Wife’s Heart
Sometimes relationship-talking is hard on a husband. A wife might say one line and it has multiple meanings. She might slip in this little statement, “I want you to know my heart.”
Soul Care
Inside you, your spirit and the Holy Spirit are intended to work as a team. These two spirits are to run your life consistent with God’s eternal design.
Why We Write
As life progressed, I learned my favorite topic: marriage. It serves two main purposes. It’s a special place where God does miraculous things. And, it’s an emotional training program. Because in marriage, you quickly learn your strengths and weaknesses.
Day of Encouragement
Verses, blessings and sayings for your encouragement.
Two Emotional Challenges
We all need love. And, lots of it. You were made by love, for love, and to love. Love drives your soul. Love resets all systems. Love allows you to run your system as originally designed.
What Kind of Man are You?
The goal when you are disappointed is to grieve but not to lose your peace, rest, or joy. No matter what is thrown at you. Always stand on the truths of Jesus including his promises of peace, rest, and joy.