Author: Stephen Cervantes
Search Your Heart
Some of us have very difficult memories from the growing up years. Healing and transformation often happens when we invite the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit into the deeper part of ourselves.
Depth Comes from Relationship
As I looked at this man’s life, I realized he had no deep male friendships. No one really knew him.
Emotionally Disconnected
Stephen shows men what it must be like to be married to a man who is disconnected from his emotions.
If We Walk in the Light
Do you have a painful story, wound, or trauma buried deep inside? Are you keeping it a personal secret? Is there something no one must ever know?
Not a Foreign Language
What if you grew up in a home where no one really knew each other?
Contentment With…
With God, I have enough. With God, I am enough.
Abide in Love
Do everything you can to love well. Pray for it. Practice it. Walk in it. Work on it. Learn to love well.
How do you know?
How do you know if something is wrong with you emotionally? Or how do you know your emotional system is not running properly? What are three good indicators that there is a problem?
It’s scary to give some people critical feedback. Healthy individuals will receive it well. Others may perceive it as an attack.
Lets Get Serious
If you pause before venting anger and ask a question, you might change yourself and your relationships.