Skill Building Series
At a recent training seminar, the speaker introduced a new term. The topic was attachment. The new term was an “attachment injury.” A basic definition would include, anytime you damage, hurt or injure a relationship.
You might be asking, “how does one cause an attachment injury?” Here are a few ways to cause damage:
- Criticism
- Condemnation
- Laughing at someone
- Sarcasm
- Mocking
- Yelling at a person
You get the idea.
Skill 7
I will be encouraging today, and I will not cause any attachment injuries.
Christians are made for bonding, connecting, and oneness. We are also called to community and fellowship. A major part of the faith is attaching, bonding, and belonging.
Father, help me grow in awareness today. Help me see and value my relationships. Help me build up and nurture those around me. Help me use my words to encourage others. And, through it all may you be glorified. Amen.
Paul said this to the Thessalonians:
Therefore, comfort one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing. – 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (LSB)