I am in recovery. I am a recovering people pleaser. Most of my life I’ve worked really hard to please others. I thought if everyone around me was pleased that meant I was good enough.
It was an exhausting lifestyle. And it never fixed my problem.
The Problem
I’ve always sat in judgment of myself.
And, there was only one conclusion.
I am not good enough.
So, Plan A was to please others. I thought that if others were pleased with me, that was a lot like being good enough. It turned out to be a cheap solution that solved nothing.
I’ve always felt not good enough.
So, now I’m on to Plan B. Here it is.
I know, God’s love.
I accept, God’s love.
I even bask in God’s love.
God wants me.
So, all self judgement has stopped.
I accept that I am a loved son of God.
He enjoys me.
For him I am enough.
That makes me enough!
Problem solved!
Father, thank you! Thank you, that for you, I am enough. Thank you that I am all you want. Thank you that I can stop judging myself. And, thank you that the question of being good enough is answered. Thank you that I can enter your peace, rest, and joy. Thank you for answering the question that I’ve been asking all my life. Am I good enough? Thank you for sending Jesus. Amen.
Bible Application
For God so loved Stephen that he gave his one and only son.
(Verse has been personalized)
John 3:16