What are some reasons for a man to be emotional stunted?
Here are a few:
- He was raised in a family that under valued emotions.
- He was taught “Emotional people are crazy.”
- He heard “Emotions can’t be controlled.”
- An overly emotional parent interacted in a way that brought him lots of confusion and pain.
- He concluded “Emotions are not good.”
Based on the above, he shut down and disconnected from his own emotional system.
Now, let’s look at the long view.
He spent the first 18 years of life designing a survival system void of emotions. Then, the next 20 years he practiced living out of that stunted, emotional system.
One day, a wife shows up and starts crying. She says, “I want to emotionally know you!” He has no idea what she’s talking about.
Remember, we were made for relationship oneness. That is always the goal.
- Be kind and patient with each other.
- Be a person with a long vision.
- The more emotionally mature one, is challenged to lead.
- The emotionally slower one, should ask God if he is working through your spouse.
Verse- They will know us by our love.