Everyone runs an inner dialogue. The dialogue includes beliefs about self and others. Much of it was written during the early developmental years. Here is one man’s internal dialogue.
I don’t want you to know me, because you won’t like me. How do I know? I know because I don’t like me.
I struggled in my childhood. There was little direction. I had to figure out life on my own.
I was a young man confused and growing, and, I had to figure out my own life? What? Who allows that?
I’ve made lots of mistakes. I’m not good. My own parents didn’t want me. No one wanted me.
So I decided to do everyone a favor. I would just become a loner. You don’t need me, and I don’t need you.
Sure, I have feelings. They are sadness, rejection, shame, and guilt.
And Wow!—Do I know sadness! I’ve lived sad. Carried sad. And I daily walk under a thick, dark cloud of sadness.
Most of my life I was neglected. So, now I neglect myself. It’s way too painful to care.
An inner dialogue starts in childhood and is carried into adulthood. As a mature Christian adult, it’s imperative that you bring your dialogue to Jesus for a tune up.
Father, can I start to feel some heavenly peace, rest, and joy? Help me change my inner, negative, dialogue to a heavenly, love, dialogue. I want to learn to walk in emotional health and wellbeing. I want to live better when I’m alone and in relationships. Help me Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. – Matthew 11:29 (NIV)