You are a woman and I am a man. We are very different.
I give you GRACE.
You think like you think, and I think very different.
I give you GRACE.
You like the things that you like and I like the things that I like.
I give you GRACE.
You talk the way you talk, and I talk very different than you.
I give you GRACE.
You have some ideas about this relationship. I have different ideas about this relationship too.
I give you GRACE.
Your needs are your needs and my needs are very different.
I give you GRACE.
Throughout marriage, we learn about God, our spouse, and about ourself. God gave us grace. So now we give grace to our spouse.
Father, thank you for knowing me and loving me. And, thank you for giving me grace. I need it. I consider it an honor to extend that grace to my wife. Help me to be grace-filled today. May I honor you by extending your grace to my wife. You love me. You bless me. I am your son. Extending grace today will be my way of saying thank you. Amen.
Bible Meditation
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,
Ephesians 2:8