Your heart can be used for wicked things or it can be used for worship.
Your HEART is the place of pleasure, passion, and relationship connection.
In my youth, my heart drove me into adventurous living, pleasure seeking, and fun relationships.
The years, maturity, and God has changed my heart.
Living daily with great passion is still a life goal. That includes valuing the day, enjoying the moment, and practicing gratitude.
Chasing pleasure has diminished in value. Most pleasure is fleeting. It’s like chewing gum… quickly losing its flavor. Today, my heart seeks joy.
Relationally, my mission is to encourage others. Which means emotionally coaching and staying connected to men. This is also how God is growing me. Growing in oneness with my wife is my God-assignment. And, living close to Abba, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is priority One.
Remember, running a great heart is one of your spiritual assignments.
Father, your word says a heart can be used for good or evil. I want you to be Lord of my heart. Please give me wisdom to run my heart just as you run yours. Amen.
Bible Connection
“The heart is more deceitful than all else
And is desperately sick;
Who can know it?
I, Yahweh, search the heart;
I test the inmost being,
Even to give to each man according to his ways,
According to the fruit of his deeds. – Jeremiah 17:9-10 (LSB)You shall love Yahweh your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. – Deuteronomy 6:5 (LSB)
The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil. For his mouth speaks from the abundance of his heart. – Luke 6:45 (LSB)