How does an individual experience an emotional awakening? I am talking about a man who is emotionally stuck and not in growth mode. He’s not happy, floundering, and may even be caught up in an addiction. After he stops blaming others and takes responsibility his awakening may sound like this.
“It’s me. I’m the problem.
I am living out a repeating cycle of failure.
I’m not understanding something about my own life.
If, I’m honest I must admit I have always done things the same way.
The way I act is deeply entrenched in me.
And, I have not been paying attention to something that’s off inside me.
I like doing things my way.
Mostly my way works. But, that is not true emotionally.
Sometimes the way I interact just makes me look like a bully.
I need to look deeper inside myself.
I must learn my emotional program.
I have triggers, beliefs, and habits; some of which must change.
A new script must be written, for that change to occur.
My triggers- are poor emotional responses to old emotional pain.
Beliefs- are lies such as, “I can’t change” or, “You’re the problem.”
Habits- are ways I throw fits and shut down my spouse.
I need to shift from pretending I’m the expert to being the student.
The focus must now be me looking deeply inside myself.
To include learning my emotional patterns, owning them, and changing them.”
Step One is to cry out in prayer.
Father, can you show me, myself. I have never wanted to look deeply at myself. I thought ignoring me and blaming others was the path forward. Forgive me. I now see it’s me! I am the problem. I have stunted myself and limited my marriage. Please show me patterns, triggers, fears, and habits that are out of alignment with you and your will.
I am sorry. I love you. Signed- Your strong-willed, slow-learning son.
Bible Connection
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. -2 Corinthians 5:17 (LSB)