Have you ever spent the weekend with a group of broken men? And, I mean every man in attendance readily admitting to being broken?
It was a retreat and the Friday night speaker was open, real, and deep. So much that every other leader that weekend spoke of their brokenness. And, that spirit of confession continued for three days.
Then, take that thought a step further. Each man out loud admitted to one of the following fears. “I am not good enough. I am defective. I am unloveable. I am different, or I am unwanted.“ This was a gathering of men sharing their deepest fears. And, they were confessing and seeking God for answers.
It was a group of men but it was also the Church. These men sang songs of worship, and, asked hard questions. They were willing to challenge and be challenged. You could hear loud men getting softer. Doubting men finding greater assurance. Men came desperately wanting fixes now. But leaving with the understanding that maybe it’s okay to just be more present and comforting. The speaker clearly conveyed, for your failings you may be emotionally hit, kicked, and punished. But remember your mission is to live in such a way as to say, in the end love wins.
I never made it to the recent revival at Asbury in Wilmore, Kentucky, but one attendant reported it was a meeting of individuals confessing and finding freedom. Could a men’s retreat ever rise to that level of freedom? Could the same God do it again at a BeBroken ministry event on St. Simon Island, Georgia? If you ask me the answer is, yes.
God is so good. And, seeing healing, freedom and growth in men is awesome.
Bible Connection
So own up to your sins to one another and pray for one another. In the end, you may be healed. Your prayers are powerful when they are rooted in a righteous life.
James 5:16 (VOICE)
Father, thank you for living in our midst. You are always near and I thank you. You have allowed me to see signs and wonders. You are clearly God and I am not. And, I need you. You make my life so much better. Amen