One of the guys made this life changing statement.
“I have started to implement a new strategy. I’m starting to press into my old feelings. In the past I would run from those ugly, haunting feelings. Not any more!”
His old program was to feel fear. Run away. Escape into a fantasy. And, stay until he found some relief. His new strategy is this. “I must create a new program to confront my deepest, core fear.”
New Program:
- Get triggered by failure.
- Feel the pain in the pit of his stomach.
- Verbalize this old haunting thought.
- “I am feeling not good enough.”
- Next take three, slow, cleansing breathes .
- Pray for wisdom.
- Say out loud. “I have this old, ugly, worthless feeling on me but I don’t die.”
- Visualize Father, Son and Holy Spirit saying, “We want you. We love you. You are of great worth to us!”
- Stay there till fear loses its grip.
- And, you can return to some rest.
Develop a new strategy for next time you get triggered into failure and unwantedness.