Equipping Christian Men for Richer Relationships


Our mission is to provide material for husbands to strengthen their marriage relationships.

Doctor Marriage Mission
  • A Noticeable Transformation

    A Noticeable Transformation

    Learning to practice contentment and recognize the truth that God loves you is transforming.

  • Unwritten Rules

    Unwritten Rules

    Lots of struggling parents have rules to help the family survive. This is not about blaming anyone. Rather, it’s a chance for an individual to review the rules of their home when they were a child.

  • Emotional Conversation

    Emotional Conversation

    Your wife wants you to work on emotional growth. At first you resist, as we all do. We love staying the same. Then you embrace the mission of emotional growth. But what are the words, skills, and areas that define emotional growth?

40 Days of Oneness

Start Connecting with your Spouse

This workbook is a tool to help a couple grow closer to each other. It’s specifically designed to help a man connect with his wife on a deeper level. If you are a man who does not talk or express emotions well, and you desire to connect better with your wife, the activities in this workbook are designed for you. This is a workbook for couples.

49 Days of Growth

Growing in Emotional Skills

This workbook has one goal: emotional growth. It’s divided into seven weekly topics. You’re asked to focus for seven days on each topic. Each one has a significant role in the emotional-spiritual health of a man.

Topics are: Maturity, Learning, Grieving, Peace, Gratitude, Rest, and Joy.

Growth Map

Growth Map

The Pathway to Peace, Rest, and Joy

This workbook maps out your broken emotional system and reveals how you assembled it. It then shows you a way to go on a growth mission to repair your emotional system, resulting in a pathway to peace, rest, and joy.

This is a workbook for men and can be used in personal, one-on-one, small group study, or large group study.