Tag: Detachment
Depth Comes from Relationship
As I looked at this man’s life, I realized he had no deep male friendships. No one really knew him.
Two Types of People
We are made for fellowship, union, and oneness. We are better in relationships. God calls us to oneness.
Story from my Childhood
The choice is yours to live open and connected, or live private, closed, and disconnected.
Loners and Connectors
You only have two choices in life: You can be a loner or a connector. If you’re single, being a loner works just fine. But if you’re married and a loner, there will be problems.
Loner Learned Lessons
Your childhood isolating skills will help you survive difficult parents. They will not help you develop a rich, deep, emotional, marital connection.
The Detached Man
Stephen writes from the perspective of a detached man, struggling to connect.
Emotional Detachment
What if a couple were raising a son and they argued and bickered all the time. Finally they divorced. The son tried to be helpful but eventually he just withdrew inside himself. That son would probably have and use these skills as his primary skills.
Emotional Detachment
How does a husband say yes to marriage and then live emotionally detached? How does it make any sense, when a detached husband is offered a chance to attach but he responds, no? Or, even more extreme, how does a man live a lifetime of detachment?
Loving Detachment
In this blog we often discuss attachment and the importance of attaching and bonding in a marriage. However, we also realize some marriages are very, very difficult.
What Type of Marriage do you Have?
There are generally two types of people. And, three types of marriages.
Recognizing Detachment
The world seems to be divided into two types of people. They are Attachers and Detachers.