Dear Husband/Wife,
Can we please prioritize the first five minutes after we get home?
I would like to suggest when we first see each other, we focus on each other. Yes, there are lots of problems going on. But they can wait five minutes.
Here is what I’d like to hear in the first five minutes.
- I’m glad to see you.
- Thanks for being my friend.
- You bless me.
- I love your eyes and your smile.
- It’s good to be home.
- You’re a good man/woman.
Here’s what I don’t wanna hear.
- The traffic was bad.
- The trash is overflowing.
- I’m sick of this carpet.
- The house is a mess.
- Why do we have to live like this?
- When are you going to do what I told you?
The world is a crazy place. Life is stressful. Being an adult his hard. So, let’s connect and nurture one another for the first five minutes after we get home.
Also, It would be nice if you threw in a few comments like “honey, babe, sweetie, and love.”
Father, thank you for allowing me to be a part of your big heavenly love story. Help my love story to be a reflection of your love story. Help me grow in my ability to love. And help me grow a great marriage. Amen.
Bible Connection
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength. – Proverbs 17:22 (NLT)
2 responses to “Let’s Put Each Other First”
Another great one, sir. Wish I’d tried this last year. I always came home and just dumped all my problems on my wife and on the ground. And not outside on the ground, either, I brought them into the home with me, THEN dumped them. What a mess I made. Poor, lonely, disconnected, frightened little boy that I was.
Thank you, younger self, for trying to find help to carry the burdens you didn’t know what to do with. Thank you for realizing that I couldn’t do it by myself. I know you have always only wanted to protect me.
In the future, you don’t need to worry about that. I can take care of those problems with my support network. You don’t need to carry them any more, Jazz.
Dear Lord, thank you. Thank You for giving me peace and hope, regardless of what is going on. Thank You for showing me how even You, in your time on Earth, had emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual needs, and You took care of them. You had a group of twelve close friends to support You, and You shared Your burdens with them, and they supported You.
Thank You now for guiding me towards my inner circle, my group of confidantes.
My final request, Father, is that You remember Your servant’s frailty and needs. Please take care of me, please remember Your promises to me and Your perceptions of me. I am but dust. A breath in the wind. It is not good for man to be alone.
Father, my Father. Thank you. And I love you. Amen.
Beautiful. Thank you.